Massayasu Hino
Chủ tịch kiêm giám đốc điều hành
“Keep Challenging with Valued Customer”
HINO SYSTECH CORPORATION has been achieving results in the process automation (PA) and factory automation (FA) fields and contributing to industrial fields in Japan and overseas as an instrumentation system manufacturer since our foundation in 1950.As a company, we are a group of intelligent people and two-thirds of all our employees are electrical and control engineers. We have developed our engineers carefully in order to pursue advanced control technology and our engineers have developed their own skills through completing assignments from our customers.
Recently, our business fields are progressively expanding such as new energy plant constructions and control systems with AI technology. The border between electrical, instrumentation control and IT is becoming vague. Thus, our customer demands becoming complicated and wider.
HINO SYSTECH CORPORATION will continue pursuing state of the art control technologies to meet those demands with improving our skills moreover. Also, we will have been diligently seeking for technologies in need of long-term operation plants, then providing high quality products by combining them optimally. We will continue responding to those demands, and creating new value with our customers.We will keep challenging for the future while looking for the next generation of control technology. I hope we will do good business together.
Masayasu Hino
President and CEO
Hồ sơ công ty
Tổng Giám Đốc Mai Văn Tuyền
Văn phòng
TEL: +81-3-3732-3591
FAX: +81-3-3739-7249
TEL: +81-11-212-1220
TEL: +84-24-3212-1810
FAX: +84-24-3212-1811
Ông Eiji Hino thành lập Công ty Hino Dengyo tại Naka-Kamata,
Ota-ku, Tokyo và khởi xướng ngành kinh doanh điện.
Tên công ty được đổi thành
Công ty Cổ phần HINO SYSTECH.
được thành lập tại Hà Nội
làm mới lại website

Công ty TNHH Hino Systech Việt Nam
ô số 1 và ô số 2, tầng 13, tòa 148, 148 Hoàng Quốc Việt, phường Nghĩa Tân, quận Cầu Giấy, thành phố Hà Nội
1-20-2, Minamirokugou, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0045, Japan