Rooftop solar power monitoring and control solution

Rooftop solar power monitoring and control solution

1. Product Overview

Image 1. Power supply for a factory
Image 1: Power supply for a factory

To address climate change and the green shift in the industrial sector, rooftop solar power systems are being rapidly deployed in factories worldwide, including  Vietnam.

In Vietnam, many factories are investing in self-installed solar power systems with on-grid net metering (self-consumption).

However, for factories that frequently use generators instead of the grid, solar power will cease operation when the generator is running, leading to energy waste.

With our experience in developing SCADA systems for monitoring, data collection, and solar power control, we have developed the Solar Hybrid Energy Supply solution to optimally utilize clean energy for factories in both grid-connected and generator-based modes.

Giao diện chính
Image 2: Main monitoring interface

2. Function

  • Provides a real-time monitoring and control interface for solar energy.
  • Stores historical data for analysis and reporting purposes.
  • Controls grid-tied solar power in both grid-connected and generator-based operation modes.

3. Benefits

  • Offers an intuitive interface for easy monitoring, supervision, and control.
  • Maximizes the use of renewable energy, reducing electricity costs and emissions.
  • Highly flexible system design suitable for various factories.


Giao diện điều khiển
Image 3: Control and configuration interface


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